Dearest Anthonia, words cannot convey
My feelings for you on this oh so sad day
Your humour, your laugh we’ll desperately miss
Your thoughtfulness, kindness, bear hug with a kiss
Your love overflowed, your goodness abound
So many were touched by your Faith all around
Your energy, selflessness, wisdom and fun
Have inspired, encouraged uplifted each one
An example to all, warm, constant and true
I do hope you knew just how much we loved you
Your integrity, honesty to name but a few
Are passed to your kids – such a credit to you
Your family adored you and so did your friends
A love such as yours across oceans extends
I’ve known you for years – not quite all of your life
But know you as special friend, mother and wife
Our lives now diminished, devastated you’re gone
But your courage, your spirit, your memory lives on
Such strength in adversity, never heard you complain
Generous to the last in my heart you’ll remain
Sweet friend I thank God that somehow we met
Your life was too short but we’ll never forget
"Dearest Anthonia" a poem by Linda Wyon
24th November 2012